Poison Toads is a generative collection of psychedelic toad drawings on the Polygon blockchain. If you lick your screen you'll trip your degen face off <3
Each toad NFT was generated algorithmically, and has a unique color distribution and tiling pattern.
All are 1/1 ERC721 tokens on Polygon.
Stoner art is the utility!
*** Phase 1 - PROJECT LAUNCH ***
Puffing tough. Smoke a ton of weed and get these little croakers out of the brain and onto the chain.
3/1/2022 - Project website launch
3/21 - Public mint goes live
4/4/22 or mint out --- collection reveal!
*** Phase 2 - SLOW MINT ***
Slow and steady. Occasional giveaways on twitter and airdrops on Opensea. Keep mint price around or below Opensea listing floor of $5. Encourage bottom-up community development! Dedicated discord (I'd need a partner or two for this) ?
*** Phase 3 - KICKBACKS ***
Even more stoner art is the utility! Freemint collection goes live to reward hodlers with free NFTs. Targeting winter 2021/2022 launch.
- Freemint contract and collection artwork development and testing
- Mint more utility toads to enable fun freemint stories
- Freemint contract and collection goes live! PFP and Utility token hodlers will be able to mint free 1/1 ERC-721 tokens
Minting Utility Tokens
Poison Toads will not have a whitelist. Instead, these 3 utility tokens will be used to incentivize minting by providing deeeep discounts during the mint.
PoisonToadsUtility 1155 contract on Polygonscan: https://polygonscan.com/address/0x562912ad41f2e4bbb67b34362a3dcc0488730ed9
Color properties include 36 standard and inverted @capnganj-curated d3 color palettes.
Shuffle properties describe how smooth/scattered the toad's color palette transition is. Toads with lower shuffle values appear more smooth.
Faces properties describe how big/small the toad's individual polygonal faces are. Toads with smaller face values have larger colored faces.
Additional Properties and Boosts
Rotation property describe which way the toad is looking
Background properties describe the image background / wallpaper
Venom boost property increases rarity by boosting the croaker's venom level
Timbre boost property increases rarity by boosting the depth of the Toad's croak